ADYA is a Swiss investment boutique in the life sciences sector. Our fingerprint is knowhow, network, and capital and our people impart experience of planning and execution of strategic plans and a track record of successfully executed financial transactions.

Preservation and valorization of client values are key elements in ADYA’s work that operates in a trustable and highly confidential way with the approach of creating a long-term valuable relationship with its clients.

ADYA offers an exclusive service to clients looking for investments and asset allocation in the healthcare sector where specific business knowledge is a key factor to manage investment risk and optimize return on investment.

We have established a highly respected network of investors that shared with us their vision and wishes.

Our team has access to a global high-quality deal flow from seed to pre-IPO.

We have built a dynamic and differentiated pipeline of selected investment opportunities. All cases in our pipeline are chosen on the basis of a positive outcome of an internal due diligence run at ADYA’s own risk. Upon request we can also do an active source of opportunities to meet specific investors requirements.


Silvia Panigone


adya consulting sagl
Phone:+41 78 89 89 644
Registered office:
Via Galli 2 CH-6900 Lugano
Corso Elvezia, 4 CH-6900 Lugano